Hope you're enjoying the winter break. I was wondering if you, your educator contacts or students would be interested in participating in a nationwide Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from Vermont!
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
I'm at Wheeler. I've not tried it, but I have taken a few quick glances! I don't do much pull-out, so I've not been integrating as much as I'd like, and the collaboration time is not exactly there yet... I'm hoping. My big push this year has been through a grant at St. Mike's with United Streaming. And I really want to get more specifically into science this year with it... Cool! A like-minded person in my own district!
Hope you're enjoying the winter break. I was wondering if you, your educator contacts or students would be interested in participating in a nationwide Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from Vermont!
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
Dec 30, 2008
Beth Evans
Jan 4, 2009