Lizzie Chase




Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Primary teacher, English/History teacher and teacher librarian
About Me
I work in primary and secondary schools.

Comment Wall:

  • David Hilton

    Hi Liz
    My name’s David and I’m a history teacher in Queensland. I use a lot of podcasting and online tools with my classes and am always looking for new ideas.
    I host a group on diigo (it’s similar to delicious and very popular with teachers) for history teachers to share links, ideas and resources. It’s at
    Please come along and join and share any sources or resources you use with the rest of us. See you there.
    David Hilton
    Ancient & Modern History Teacher
    Sheldon College, Capalaba.
  • Sue Waters

    Hi Lizzie, you just need to first log into your Edublogs account and then go to the Edublogs Signup page - Now you will be able to create new blogs attached to your current username --- which is what you really need to do.