Laura Gonzalez


Carrollton, TX

United States

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School / Work Affiliation
Charles M. Blalack Middle School
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twitter: lageek
About Me
I'm currently teaching Reading Improvement which is very technology-driven in my school. I get all sorts of fun toys and I'm looking forward to using them.

I also teach 7th grade Language Arts. Although the curriculum is less technologically-driven, I do my best to add in technology when appropriate.

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  • Dana Love

    Yes definetely! Let's find a common time and a plan to use for our classes to work together and skype. I teach reading through social studies content to middle-schoolers.
  • Leon Avrech

    Laura, my name is Leon Avrech, San Jose CA. I am a retired middle school teacher, vice principal, principal, mentor teacher. I recently had a book published that I hope you will tell other teachers. I have a passion for middle school and helping teachers succeed. The name of the book is, "Think You Can Teach? A Survival Guide For New Middle School Teachers". The book is inexpensive and covers from the first day on campus to the end of year evaluation. Thank you, Leon Avrech
  • Suzanne Culver

    Thanks for responding.  I know that it's 7th grade with a total student load of 95-100.  I believe that will be 5 sections with additional duties in AIS.  There is talk of pulling an "honors" group of students (something we already do in ELA 9-12) beginning next year.  That makes me happy for several reasons.  I've always had 4-6 preps, having only 1 sounds boring.  It also tells me that teachers are still striving to look forward and make the best of what we've got left to work with.  I've really enjoyed the challenge of Honors 11 for the last several years and feel as though there are some strategies from that which will apply to 7th graders, as well.  Unfortunately, the cuts my district is facing are more like amputations.  That means the people who would normally support a transition like this are suffering and angry.  I've moved past that (I've known for about a month) and really want to get to work on putting things together.