I have THEE perfect class for you! I'll chat w/ our 2nd grade teacher next week. They have a Mac PowerBook with built in iSight & could easily set up a schedule w/ your students. Let me know how she should contact you.
Jen (the 2nd grade teacher) and I are testing our Skype accounts here at WSD to be sure we're 'up and running' on our end.
What is your Skype name/number to call?
Do you want to make a 'test call' sometime this week prior to connecting with students?
Just let me know.
Lori Lindau
Sep 5, 2009
Lori Lindau
What is your Skype name/number to call?
Do you want to make a 'test call' sometime this week prior to connecting with students?
Just let me know.
Sep 8, 2009