Judy Twetten


Cresco, IA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me
2009-10 marks my 14th year teaching gifted students in NE Ia. I came back to teaching after staying home with my 2 children for 10 years. Prior to that I taught in Australia, residential treatment centers and a county juvenile home. All have been rewarding, interesting jobs. My children are in college and my husband and I are enjoying the empty-nest syndrome.

Comment Wall:

  • Nancy Bosch

    Wow, not to boast but I know I do good stuff but rarely does anyone thank me so your note means a lot. The new Balliet book is the Calder Game. I don't know how old your students are but our latest literary find for 5th and 6th is Suzanne Collin's Hunger Games, the sequel just came out. I got it in the mail yesterday, Another fav was The Mysterious Benedict Society. One class read the first one in 4th, the second one in 5th and NOW are dying to read the third installment in 6th. IMHO, the first was better than the second--but for some reason my class raved about both.

    Take care, thanks again and have a good year. Maybe we could think of some collaboration--does your class blog?
  • Nancy Bosch

    We don't often collaborate with other classes but we do on collaborative project a year with a gifted ed class in New Jersey. It's called the Pringle Project. The instructions are here http://connections.smsd.org/robots/pringles%20project.htm--after the Pringle packages have arrived to have a video conference with the class while we all open the packages to see how the Pringle survivied the trip. I would never be concerned about posting things online as long as I had parent permission forms on file. Later N