Repetitive posting of the same message on an educational discussion post, may be regarded as "Spam"
As a vendor, I am very careful not to promote my products or services on this website.
I appreciate your enthusiasm in promoting your blog. However, I recommend that you provide original content in each post. This will enhance the reader's intrest. Repetition is usually ignored or dismissed.
John J Caprice
Dear Harry,
Repetitive posting of the same message on an educational discussion post, may be regarded as "Spam"
As a vendor, I am very careful not to promote my products or services on this website.
I appreciate your enthusiasm in promoting your blog. However, I recommend that you provide original content in each post. This will enhance the reader's intrest. Repetition is usually ignored or dismissed.
Good Luck with your Blog Launch.....JJC
Apr 28, 2011
John J Caprice
Dear Harry,
I did not miss your point!
But I will restate mine. Repetitive posting of the same message is easily ignored or dismissed by the reader.
This is merely helpful advice..from a commercial point of view.
Apr 28, 2011