Jack Olmsted


Port Townsend

United States

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Centrum Videoblogger
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About Me
Multimedia journalist and former community college/4-H after school digital video production and digital photography insturctor.

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  • Beth Holmes

    The new Science projects you added are a terrific example of upgrading the traditional "science project" to include a presentation of findings and conclusions to an audience. It is impressive that students in elementary school are learning to post findings for peer review.

    Will you please share with your students that I learned from their findings? I'd never thought about making my own lightening! Now, I want to try! I liked the experiment that discovered that melted cheese did not mold as quickly an non-melted cheese! Really, I liked every one of them! Thanks for sharing these science projects. I'll share them with our teachers in Georgia and Alabama!
  • Robin E.Ruiz

    Jacl Olmsteds Video on Tibetan Sand Mandela's created at SWAN Elementary schools interview by a student- This is on your web page?
  • Amelia

    Hello dear,I'm Amelia by name,I have something very important to discuss with you,please kindly email be back(
    amelia_herbert23@yahoo.com)I will be waiting to hear from you soon.Thanks