Phuong Thao Isabel Bui


Lincoln, NE

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Favored IM Account
About Me
Hello! I am an aspiring high school English teacher and I am hoping to make connections to further my resources, skills, and knowledge in the classroom. I am in my second year of college, so hopefully by the time I graduate, I will have a full toolbox ready to use! I am a big believer in the power of education, but I also know that after high school, to be educated becomes a choice, so my goal as a teacher is to show my students that they are all filled with incredible potential to do great things in life and inspire them to seek higher education as a means of building up their futures.

Comment Wall:

  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hello Phuong Thao Isabel, thanks for connecting with me. I have been teaching for many years and love connecting and collaborating on a global scale. I usually post to this blog of mine, if you would like to read about what I do. All the best with your course and please stay in touch.

  • Marisa Hoskins

    Hello! Thank you for connecting with me! In my current role as ICT Educational Specialist I work substantially with the English teachers at my school to help them with innovating in the classroom so any questions you have please do not hesitate to ask!