Mary Kay Morrison


Caledonia, Illinois

United States

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School / Work Affiliation
Education Consultant
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About Me
Bio for Mary Kay Morrison

Mary Kay keeps looking for humor! She continues to find it while conducting workshops that link laughter and learning. She advocates a focus on healthy humor practice using the positive energy of humor or "humergy" to promote a balanced lifestyle and reduce stress. In addition to humor and stress management, Mary Kay has conducted sessions on brain research, leadership, ADHD, group facilitation, parenting and mentoring.
As an educator who has taught kindergarten through college level classes, Mary Kay enjoys learners of all ages. She has a B.S. in Education, an M.S. in Adult Education and certification in Education Administration. Her position at KIDS, a regional office of education in northern Illinois, gave her the opportunity to work directly with over 200 schools with the responsibility for providing staff development to meet the state certification standards for administrators in her region. She served on the Illinois NCLB implementation team and conducted train the trainer sessions for the State Board of Education on school improvement and mentoring.
Mary Kay currently serves on the Board of Directors as well as membership chair for the international AATH (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor) She was a member of the education research panel at their recent conference.
For over 15 years she has been providing keynote presentations and breakout workshop sessions for numerous agencies and districts nationwide. Her recent publication, Using Humor to Maximize Learning; Exploring Links between Positive Emotions and Education is the text for humor studies courses at several universities.

Contact information and resources are available at her web site at

Comment Wall:

  • Jill

    Thanks, MK. This is a site that was introduced in our Meg Ormiston class. Don will have to share those notes with you. I can see where this type of Ning classroom platform could be great for sharing the humor newsletter, as would a Wiki...I'm already imagining a fun photo to post :) Talk with you soon. I'll check the calendar for a lunch date also...strategic plans can be fun...I'm certain of it. Thanks for your willingness to explore a new site :) Jill
  • Jill

    Now, if I could just add the "right" picture ;) It sounds as if you've been very busy. I'm anxious to read how AATH fits into Classroom 2.0 ... (I even have teacher who is studying Web 3.0 this year...Now I'm REALLY feeling far behind!) Keep smilin' Jill