Chris Drage



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

About Me
Hi, I am a Year 5 teacher in a Primary school in Kent, England. I teach 9 and 10 year olds. I have been working on VLEs over the past 3 years and am very interested in using Web 2.0 tools to further independent learning.

Comment Wall:

  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Chris and welcome to classroom20. I like you, am really interested in using web2.0 tools for independent learning. As I teach information technology I am able to do so, quite readily. The virtual classroom is my passion and I have experimented with skype, discoverE, elluminate and live blogging.
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Chris As I teach in a prep to year 12 school, I teach grade 2 (8 year olds) through to year 12 (18 year olds). However, in Australia, our school year is coming to a close and a new one starts in February, so I am not sure what age groups I will have. However, I really am a secondary teacher.