Our Brainyflix video contest just ended, and I wanted to thank you for helping us get the word out. We got 800 submissions from across the country!
That said, MIT was really happy with the results and will let us run another contest, so we're going for it! But this time, we're gonna have kids create Brainypics flashcards - which are images and sentences paired up with a one of our SAT/ACT words. The contest ends May 22nd, and there'll be iTunes and a cash prize like last time. To boot, we'll double the payout if the kids can hit a certain goal. More details at brainyflix.com/main/contest_rules.
Do you mind passing my message along to students and your colleagues again?
The 6th graders at Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), would like to invite you to participate in our blog. We have created a blog, which we hope will allow us to explore varying diets from around the world. Our goal is to understand what other country’s diets consist of and what they consider to be healthy. Here in New Hampshire, we eat a lot of seafood and lobsters as we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean. We also grow and eat fresh corn, apples, strawberries, blueberries and even pumpkins. If you are interested, please visit our blog at cgagnon@edublogs.org and respond to the “World Diets” page. If you respond, it would be helpful if you could include which country or area of the world you are responding from. If you are not interested, it would be much appreciated if you could pass this along to a friend or colleague that may be.
We here in New Hampshire look forward to your response. Thanks
darren elliott
Apr 7, 2009
Our Brainyflix video contest just ended, and I wanted to thank you for helping us get the word out. We got 800 submissions from across the country!
That said, MIT was really happy with the results and will let us run another contest, so we're going for it! But this time, we're gonna have kids create Brainypics flashcards - which are images and sentences paired up with a one of our SAT/ACT words. The contest ends May 22nd, and there'll be iTunes and a cash prize like last time. To boot, we'll double the payout if the kids can hit a certain goal. More details at brainyflix.com/main/contest_rules.
Do you mind passing my message along to students and your colleagues again?
Apr 25, 2009
Christopher Gagnon
The 6th graders at Chichester Central School in Chichester, New Hampshire (USA), would like to invite you to participate in our blog. We have created a blog, which we hope will allow us to explore varying diets from around the world. Our goal is to understand what other country’s diets consist of and what they consider to be healthy. Here in New Hampshire, we eat a lot of seafood and lobsters as we are so close to the Atlantic Ocean. We also grow and eat fresh corn, apples, strawberries, blueberries and even pumpkins. If you are interested, please visit our blog at cgagnon@edublogs.org and respond to the “World Diets” page. If you respond, it would be helpful if you could include which country or area of the world you are responding from. If you are not interested, it would be much appreciated if you could pass this along to a friend or colleague that may be.
We here in New Hampshire look forward to your response. Thanks
-Chris Gagnon – 6th grade teacher
克里斯加尼翁 - 6年级的老师
Nov 19, 2011