Sylvianne Lambert-Hutchinson


Bournemouth, Dorset

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Bournemouth & Poole College
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About Me
Applied Computing Lecturer - loves organic gardening, cooking and geocaching in my spare time

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Bassill

    Hi Sylvianne,

    I think there are great opportunities for students to learn these concepts as part of internships and service learning programs. This past month I've had interns from Korea and India working with me, via the Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of Michigan School of Information. I encourage you to visit our ning page at to view some of the work they have done.
  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Sylvianne and welcome to classroom2.0 You certainly have a lot to share. I had not heard of huddle until I read your introduction. How does it compare to google docs. (I quickly googled to see what it was). Why do you use it rather than the docs? I was also intrigued with your use of google notes in the classroom. How do you go about using that?Have you written about your experiences with them on blog posts, so that I could look them up? I too, am always looking for new tools to use with the students. I teach accounting and information technology in Australia,
  • Peggy Sheehy

    Please join the "Global Lean"

    blog at

    Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!

    Thanks! Peggy Sheehy