Esther Lojo-Escalante



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About Me
One thing I'm passionate about?: education. I'm especially interested on its evolution towards a more interactive and flexible environment - mostly because of its potential to give access to top educational content to anyone who wants to learn - a step beyond the "universal education" concept (that currently does not guarantee top quality)

Main areas I’m interested in are social pedagogy, anthropology and sociology applied to taylor made lessons. Sharing feedback on already implemented experimental teaching techniques also welcome! :)

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  • Megan Iemma

    Hi esther,

    I would love to help you out more with some audio solutions...Email me..need some projects to do anyway!
  • Rich White

    Here is a great tool you may find interesting ... its great for creative outlet as well as regular lesson drive activities on the interactive whiteboard -

    Hope you find it engaging !
  • Michael McClure


    Thanks for the links. I did find the innovative teachers network very useful.
