My duty to my family and community is what brought me to Jordan. Being half-Jordanian, and half-Mexican, understanding my Jordanian heritage is of utmost importance. Learning about the community I live in and giving back to it is what drives me internally. A sense of justice, equality and individual worth is what drove me to run for Mayor of Pomona back in 2008. My platform consisted of many ideas, but the one plank that was closest to my heart was centered around the idea that we could raise Pomona’s underachieving graduation rate. I proposed to create a program to link our universities to our high school and our high schools to our elementary schools by a sort of mentoring/tutoring program. Students who participated and volunteered their time would receive credit from their institutions for mentoring and tutoring the youth. Although I did not receive enough votes to win the election, I was touched by the number of people that I encouraged to become involved in process of selecting a leader. Many high school kids volunteered in my campaign and learned what it meant to be of service to the local community and to understand their impact on the wider global community. Developing well rounded responsible world citizens is crucial to all of our futures because our future rests on the shoulders of the well rounded student.
Pomona, CA
United States
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