Fran Riley


Pennsville, NJ

United States

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About Me
I've taught for 26 years-most of that time in kindergarten and first grade. I currently teach a regular ed first grade with BSI, ESL and Advanced Studies students. I am new to using technology in the classroom and want to learn as much as I can. I am married. My husband and I have two sons. Our oldest son is an IST major at Penn State University. Our youngest son is a senior in high school. We have one huge dog (black lab/great dane mix) named Maddix and a sweet black cat named Molly.

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  • Anne Mirtschin

    Hi Fran, this technology continues to be overwhelming at times, even for me who has been at it for two years. I suggest you read blog posts wherever possible to get a feel for what people are doing now and just start a blog yourself. Edublogs or blogger or blogmeister seem to be the most common blogging platforms. I use wordpress for my teacher type blog, where I map my journey but use edublogs for my class and student blogs.
    When I started blogging I just wrote about what I was doing and hoped to achieve and over time it has taken direction. Have you had a look at voicethread. That is a great program that you can set up easily and wordle makes your work look good. Let me know how you go.
  • Ruth Cohenson

    Thanks- I will! :)
  • Ruth Cohenson

    I took a look online, and Bayberry Ave is the address of the Cape May Court House PAC, not the Middle Twp School PAC. It seems more likely the workshop is at the school PAC...