Glad I could help. I like listening activities on Moodel because the kids who need to listen to it multiple times can without slowing down the others. I still recite some tests in the classroom when they are allowed to hear the listening selection twice only twice, i.e. for placement test preparation, but I try to use Moodle as often as possible since they hear the items better with earphones on. Fewer distractions.
Your Twitter activity sounds great. I'm in the process right now of developing a new Twitter unit on Lois Lowry's The Giver. Have you read it? It's a great book!!
Hi Fred,
Thank you for your interest in listening to some of my student podcasts. If your students leave comments and questions, I'll get my students to write back!
Take care, Renae
Julie Baird
Jul 6, 2009
Andrew Pass
Oct 22, 2009
Renae Townsend
Thank you for your interest in listening to some of my student podcasts. If your students leave comments and questions, I'll get my students to write back!
Take care, Renae
Apr 28, 2010