Barry Ludvik


Plymouth, WI

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Sheboygan Falls
Skype Account
Barry Ludvik
About Me
I am a Science teacher, computer programming teacher, and part time tech. guy.

Comment Wall:

  • Elizabeth Bonsignore

    Barry, I really like your weekly poll idea -- I hope you keep it up... Or maybe, you could enlist others to submit questions...? (I will try to think up a couple to recommend, if you like this idea...) This week's question, along with Dawn's/your comments, was great. I think the major problem is a misconception about the effectiveness of social nw as teaching tool -- as you both note, there are too many nightmare stories out there, and not enough good news. Anyway -- thanks for the poll! I'm looking forward to seeing if there is a common theme(s) to the "other" responses....