I am a teacher and an eLearning coach in a small rural P12 college in Victoria, Australia. I love to work with Web2.0 applications because of the amazing possibilities for communication and collaboration. I love the way the web can open up a whole new world for our students and teachers.
I am from Ghana and I'm just here to learn, contribute as well as link up with like-minded people who will be willing to share their experiences as well as help in spreading the concept of distance learning and adult education to Africa, which lags behind as far as education is concerned. hope to find a friend in you.
am not a teacher myself. i just happen to have parents who were teachers but i just happen to know the benefits of distance education so i am trying to link up with people who are willing to donate new or used computers and have them shipped here and we in turn donate them to schools here. I am into television and film directing and i have been able to develop an educative television program which is broadcast throughout the country. We have successfully finished with our first two seasons and we are currently looking for sponsors to start showing our third season. i will be grateful if you can team up with some colleagues of your and see if you can get some computers down here. You and your colleagues could also adopt a school here and collaborate with them. Thanks.
Anne, thank for adding me to your professional development network. I didn't realize you were a member of CR2.0, and I am glad you are. BTW, I didn't get a chance to tell you how lovely your daughter looked. I also like your new twitter pic. Hope it's not too cold for you where you live.
Aug 1, 2008
Aug 2, 2008
Aug 11, 2008