I am a graduate student working on my certification for middle school mathematics! I am excited and anxious to soon be beginning my career as an educator and hope to encourage students to be eager for math class :0)
Thank you for your comment. I am thrilled that you are going to teach middle school. I'm sure you heard comments from friends like, "are you nuts? not that grade level!! You will love it. Encouraging students about math will be a daunting challenge that your enthusiasm will help. Read my book. It will be an enormous help to you. I look forward to hearing from you after you read it. Available from xlibris.com amazon.com barnesandnoble.com. Any independent book store can find it on their computer. Author
AVRECH and title. What city are you in?
Christina, Have you or your colleagues read my book, "Think You Can Teach? A Survival Guide for New Middle School Teachers"? Thanks, Leon Avrech email me:
Leon Avrech
Feb 17, 2010
Leon Avrech
AVRECH and title. What city are you in?
Feb 18, 2010
Leon Avrech
Christina, Have you or your colleagues read my book, "Think You Can Teach? A Survival Guide for New Middle School Teachers"? Thanks, Leon Avrech email me:
legendleon@att.net Thank you
Feb 1, 2011