Learning Consultant & Teacher Effectiveness Coach, Denver Public Schools
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About Me
I am a curriculum and literacy specialist fascinated by the needs of the 21st Century Learner.
I co-authored the book Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century, with Carol Kuhlthau & Ann Caspari. & Just out in June 2012 Guided Inquiry Design: A framework for inquiry in your school. - Super excited about that one.
Currently I am a consultant on inquiry learning- providing districts with PD on Guided Inquiry and I am a Teacher Effectiveness Coach in Denver PS
Hello Leslie, good evening from Germany!
My focus is on Web 2.0 apps in the classroom - and I´ve created one of the biggest group on CR 2.0 called DigiSkills with now 456 members - would love if you consider to join this group.
And feel free to check some of my sites, because I´m a coordinator for several international projects.
Hans Feldmeier
My focus is on Web 2.0 apps in the classroom - and I´ve created one of the biggest group on CR 2.0 called DigiSkills with now 456 members - would love if you consider to join this group.
And feel free to check some of my sites, because I´m a coordinator for several international projects.
Dec 6, 2008
Ben Grundy
Thanks for the request. If you're on twitter my username is @bgrundy - probably easier to connect there if you're interested.
May 4, 2009
MIght be worth a try. :)
Aug 8, 2012