Hi Joanne! Are you still interested in the lunchbox project? It would be great to get you on board. It's only really in the initial stages anyway, and not much work has been done on it lately, but we are getting up and going. Let me know if you are still keen. I'll be sending an email out over the weekend hopefully and will include you in that. I'll use your yahoo address.
Chat soon!
Hi there - I'm a teacher visiting Melbourne on Saturday. We're organising a teacher get together, if you're interested in joining us: http://melbourneedmeetup.wikispaces.com/
Helen Otway
Welcome to Classroom 2.0. I am sure you will find lots of good ideas here inlcluding the Lunchbox project started by Jess.
May 24, 2008
Jess McCulloch
Chat soon!
Jun 6, 2008
Steve Collis
Aug 12, 2009