I'm a Education Technology Facilitator at a wonderful high school! While this job isn't all roses, milk and honey, I can say that I go home most days loving my job and that's not a bad thing ever!
Hope you had a nice winter break. I was wondering if you or your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some educator contacts you could direct me to. We'd really like to get students involved from Virginia!
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
Tina Manglicmot
Feb 1, 2008
Hope you had a nice winter break. I was wondering if you or your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some educator contacts you could direct me to. We'd really like to get students involved from Virginia!
You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
Jan 11, 2009