Heather Blanton

47, Female

Norton, VA

United States

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Wise County Public Schools
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About Me
I'm an ITRT for five Wise County Schools. I'm a member of the VSTE Board of Directors. I'm finishing my masters of Ed in Administration and Supervision this spring. I'm eager to learn and share new tech tools!

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  • Jack

    Awesome! Sounds great, Heather
  • Jack

    Hey Heather

    Our Brainyflix video contest just ended, and I wanted to thank you for helping us get the word out. We got 800 submissions from across the country!

    That said, MIT was really happy with the results and will let us run another contest, so we're going for it! But this time, we're gonna have kids create Brainypics flashcards - which are images and sentences paired up with a one of our SAT/ACT words. The contest ends May 22nd, and there'll be iTunes and a cash prize like last time. To boot, we'll double the payout if the kids can hit a certain goal. More details at brainyflix.com/main/contest_rules.

    Do you mind passing my message along to students and your HS colleagues again?

  • Andrew Pass


    I am hosting an exhibit booth for the first time at NECC and thought that I’d reach out to you.

    I develop core curriculum resources atop Web 2.0 technology and have a suite of five Google Earth products that we are marketing at our booth:
    Gatsby of the Twenties
    Considering the Realities of the Holocaust
    Okies Head West
    Colonial Economic Regions
    The Cuban Missile Crisis

    Each of our units includes a teacher resource booklet, a student work packet and a Google Earth layer. The student work packet contains a series of prompts that students use the markers, videos, pictures, and text to respond.

    I’d be happy to set up some time to demonstrate one of these resources for you, before NECC. I’m hoping that there might be some way to work this product into your presentation.

    We will be in exhibit 3744.

    Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you.

    Andy Pass

    Andrew D. Pass
    36671 Grand River, Suite 104
    Farmington, MI 48335
    (248) 302-1829