Mindy Johnson


Cambridge, MA

United States

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Twitter: min_d_j
About Me
I'm a former high school special education collaborative teacher. Currently, I'm a Research Associate, Project Manager, and Instructional Designer at CAST (http://www.cast.org/). CAST is a non-profit R&D organization founded on the principles of Universal Design for Learning. We create and promote learning environments that provide students with multiple means of expression, use multiple means of representation, and accentuate multiple means of engagement.

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  • KarenJanowski

    Hi, Mindy,
    You are working in the town next to me. I've been to the CAST office and met with Chuck and Grace. You may be interested to know that Brian Wojcik and I have started a ning group for assistive technology.
    Welcome to Classroom 2.0!
  • K Cannon

    Hi Mindy,
    Let's connect. I also used to work at CAST. I'm at Brandeis University now.
    - Kathy Cannon
  • Jack

    Hi Mindy!

    Happy New Year! I was wondering if you have any educator contacts who would be interested in participating in a nationwide Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from the local area!

    You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!