
United States

Comment Wall:

  • Rich White

    Hello ! - I am searching for educators involved or interested in the 3D virtual classroom via Secondlife/Croquet/OpenSim etc. --- the discussion area is here : http://classroom20.ning.com/group/croquetsecondlif -- feel free to join the group and conribute if tyou wish !
  • Jacinta Gascoigne

    Ah, I guess so - we have had no luck getting into the teen grid - despite hours of trying - he was trying to sign as zanee dragonash. Due to frustrations, I created an avatar zane666dragonash and have been helping him create the avatar - playing with things - he has done little poking around as I am hoping we can do something about signing in the teen grid. Glad I came upon you no matter what. An advocate for social networking tools etc in learning, I am hoping that SL will add a new dimension for Zane, providing him with yet another interesting and productive way to learn - apart from just socialising, it is my hope that some business skills and others will come into play. I notice on your page here that you have some other incredible ideas and I will be eager to follow. If you would like Zane to be a part of anything you are doing, then please just let me or him know. There is so much negativity within learning environments in Australia, I along with you and many others I am networking with are working hard at producing some solid evidence of the benefits SNT in fact bring to all learners - formal or informal, able or disabled, young and old - anyone who wishes to learn anything.
  • Jack

    Hi fsinfo. I was wondering if your students would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. If not, perhaps you have some educator contacts you could direct me to. You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!