Jørn Hoelstad Pettersen

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
Frogn videregående skole (high school)
Skype Account

Comment Wall:

  • Hans Feldmeier

    Hi Welcome from Germany!
  • Chris Clementi

    Thanks for your feedback. I will check out this site. I just put together a quick tutorial on converting from YouTube to Flash and then to windows movie. I am excited about all the possible options.
  • Jacinta Gascoigne

    Hi Jorn, thank you so much for the kind words. I am humbled. The intro was my usual rambling - thought I got carried away - usually do, but try not to limit my posts to much, as what I write comes from both what I see, what I find, what I hear, my experience and my honest feelings about certain issues. All I can say is that I believe in being real and thus say it how I see it - I usually preface things with the words - Thoughts and Ideas In My Head Alone At This Time.
    Thanks too for accepting the invitation. I am looking forward to all the lies ahead on this exciting journey, into the new worlds we currently now and those in the future - with such an extensive network it is not hard to think that globally we can be a mighty force, when it comes to helping create a world for learners, that is current and relevant to their worlds (web identity), to them as individuals and to their learning.

    Take care
