michael hotrum

Profile Information:

School / Work Affiliation
University of Alberta
About Me
Educational Technologist in Faculty of Extension at the U of Alberta; reserach interests include social software and application in learning design; have taught in secondary and post secondary level;

Comment Wall:

  • John Costilla

    Michael, thanks for your comment. I too appreciate your depth of understanding of what WeAreTeachers is trying to accomplish. I don't want to get WAT accused of soliciting commercial content because that is truly not our goal... I would love to connect you with our technical strategist, kelly looney, he has a site on the classroom 2.0 ning thing. In any case, I think the social aspect of "social networks" should always be for open learning and that is our goal... however, I also believe that teachers should be rewarded for their thought and expertise and not have to work odd jobs to support their income that are unrelated to their teaching experience. We want to create a community where teachers benefit from their work through this thing we are calling a knowledge marketplace... Please keep in touch... we need folks like you.
  • Michael McClure


    Thanks for the mention of "eduspaces".

  • suehellman

    Hi Michael -- I'd like to invite you to join a Classroom 2.0 group called Canadians Mashup. I'm trying to build a network of Canadian educators and bloggers. No discussions yet. I'm just starting out by trying to find where everyone lives and what they teach. If you're interested, please add me as a colleague as well.