I'm currently the high school principal at Holton High School. To revisit the classroom I have returned for one block teaching College American History I and II. You can learn more about me and what I do on the web by visiting my website. My student blog site is http://wildcat.wordpress.holton.k12.ks.us/ If you want to heard my reflections related to my days as a building administrator check out the blog listed below. A different twist then what I write here.
Yes, foldable notes like in your example. But Dinah Zike has a bunch of them that has compiled into a book. At the bottom of this web page you can see some other examples of foldables. I usually recommend the format that I think best fits the notes for that unit.
Hi Alan. I was wondering if your students and teachers would be interested in participating in a nationwide SAT Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. You can view contest details at BrainyFlix.com Please let me know. Thanks!
Alan, You have such great ideas! if I could contact you to discuss some of your ideas I would be very grateful. Could you give me your email? Thanks, Willyn Webb 970-250-8636 teachinggenerationtext@gmail.com
Kate Fanelli
Jan 6, 2009
Feb 1, 2009
Willyn Webb
Nov 24, 2010