ok...so this is a start...let's talk about what your objective is...do you want a place where your students' work will be commented on by other students? Do you want them to be able to comment on each other's work? Do you want to be able for them to work collaboratively on works with others?
Blogs are a great way for your students to put their work online and have it commented on by others. My students all have blogs, and it is a dynamic way for them to comment on each other's work. Wikis are a great way to build collaboration and community within a class where visitors can view and add to the work.
....just some options...let's talk some more...
Jennifer Perino
Feb 22, 2009
Jennifer Perino
Blogs are a great way for your students to put their work online and have it commented on by others. My students all have blogs, and it is a dynamic way for them to comment on each other's work. Wikis are a great way to build collaboration and community within a class where visitors can view and add to the work.
....just some options...let's talk some more...
Feb 22, 2009
Jane Krauss
Feb 25, 2009