I am a veteran of the long march of using technology in support of learning. A few years ago, I believed I wouldn't have a job as a tech advocate much longer. Surely every teacher would embrace technology to enrich the experiences of their students.
Ok, its 2007, and I still have a job. In the intervening years I've started a family and lived in five different countries. Along the way I've met outstanding educators who give me hope! So I remain optimistic. I'm still as fascinated with this whole digital thing, and just as committed to using it as a powerful tool in learning, my own as included.
My current job is a mix of staff development and tech support. I look for Classroom 2.0 to be a great source to learn, to share and to discuss how this ever changing technology helps K-12 learning.
Jan 7, 2008
Lloyd R Meskimen, Ph.D.
Jan 28, 2009
cindee robertson
Is it you? From Roseburg a long time ago???? Cindee Robertson (Rada)
Jan 24, 2011