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Seeing Is Believing...................ummmm.......................

"We don't see things as they are; we see things as we are." - The Talmud

Added by Lee Allan Sanders on January 16, 2008 at 10:18pm — No Comments

Wondering about the use of "Deep Freeze"

My school has used Deep Freeze regularly with the Windows computers in the building. There has been a suggestion that we might consider using it with the Macintosh computers as well. I do not know anyone who is or has used Deep Freeze on the Macintosh Platform. If you have experience would you please let me know what it has been like for you?

Added by Glen Westbroek on January 16, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Let the Digital Storytelling Begin

The Digital Storytelling Blog Carnival is now online.

Let the storytelling begin.

Added by Mathew Needleman on January 15, 2008 at 10:47pm — No Comments

Spring08: what's in a name

Today featured the first deadline for my spring online classes, so some of the students who had been slow getting started suddenly sprang into action - meaning that by now I've had some kind of encounter with pretty much all of the 100 students who start out the semester.

Now I am trying to learn everybody's names - and to also get used to their email aliases, which sometimes are based on their names, and are sometimes completely fanciful. One of my students uses "Gilgamesh" as his… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 15, 2008 at 8:11pm — No Comments

Free Edusim Training at Greenbush Education Service Center Feb 22nd from 9:00 - 3:00

Free Edusim Training at Greenbush Education Service Center Feb 22nd from 9:00 - 3:00

I will be doing an introduction to Edusim on the interactive whiteboard & How to build a simple lesson in Edusim for your IWB

We will also being giving out the first 2 Edusim training booklets.

Send me an email ( if you are coming (and include your name) and we will get you on the roster.…


Added by Rich White on January 15, 2008 at 10:38am — No Comments

Anybody Outside The U.S. Interested in a "Sister" Class Relationship?

I have an Intermediate English class of 15-20 year olds who are studying Government here in Sacramento, California between now and June. I'd love to connect with classes of Intermediate, Advanced or Native English speakers in a different country who would be interested in exploring how to share how their government works, and how people organize for social change in their community. My class would do the same.

Anybody interested?

Added by Larry Ferlazzo on January 14, 2008 at 5:43pm — 1 Comment

Keyboarding Skills, Are they needed?

I've come across people recently that challenge me on the need for keyboarding skills for students. I believe that keyboarding, although a valuable skill, is not that necessary anymore. I believe up until the late 80's, early 90's, typing and short hand were taught in High schools. These classes were meant to teach students necessary skills to make it out in the business world. With more computers being used, typing was slowly replaced with Introduction to Computers. Personally, I had typing… Continue

Added by Antonio Hernandez on January 14, 2008 at 5:41pm — 3 Comments

Spring08: all homework, no class (= GOOD)

It's the first official day of classes today, but I always start my online classes at least a week early... so I am not really caught up in a "first day of school" frenzy today. Lots of students have been checking in, starting their blogs, all is going well. There are a lot of things on my mind, though, and I had a hard time deciding what to post about today. Finally, I decided to say something about HOMEWORK. On the Latin-Teach… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 14, 2008 at 1:51pm — No Comments

Playing with Voki

Today I decided to create my own avatar with I began in the morning having a play with the tools - the different character heads, eyes, mouth and even make up! I chose my outfit and then changed my mind at least 10 times! This behaviour has no resemblance to me in real life!!! I chose a background - a photo of one of my classrooms. In this classroom the kids designed and painted the tables themselves. The room was designed for group and independent workers, with a couch and recliner,… Continue

Added by Helen Otway on January 14, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Hi from the Talking Books Librarian!

Hi everyone, I am new to the site and am glad to be here!

I invite you all to check out my blog at

It is a blog about Talking Books and other great resources for blind or visually impaired persons. Find out what's happening in the world of libraries and Talking Books! The blog also includes information and resources of importance to educators and older adults, as well as…


Added by Talking Books Librarian on January 14, 2008 at 9:54am — No Comments

Design and Storytelling on Film

Creating Lifelong Learners

An interesting conversation began in Students 2.0, where Anthony, a high school student, wrote,

" home movies, most...student videos are lacking a thesis and a design to support them. As technology allows us to integrate creative projects...we need to give students the tools to funnel their…

Added by Mathew Needleman on January 14, 2008 at 7:00am — No Comments

Interwrite, Airliner, Wacom pad - pros, cons, and comments

Our district is looking at various writing mouse pad products and I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has used any of the above, or any other similar pads. I've had an Interwrite Pad since November and really like it and the software it has. I've also used a simple relatively inexpensive iPen. The best part of all this to me is the fact that paired with a computer and projector, this is one piece of technology that can easily move about the classroom and can actively… Continue

Added by Arlene Anderson on January 12, 2008 at 11:02pm — 2 Comments




Added by smanawa1 on January 12, 2008 at 6:39pm — No Comments

Neveh Channah HS Computer Club (in Hebrew)

After returning to school from a two month teacher's strike, I decided

that one of the ways to bring about adoption of web2.0 skills in the

school would be to have a weekly computer club. Most clubs at our

school take place on Monday evenings between 20:00-21:30 (the girls

dorm on Monday nights). Not easy to find a committed group of kids to

come every week, especially when running against choir, drama, dance,


I decided to try anyway. Decided to run a… Continue

Added by Reuven Werber on January 12, 2008 at 2:54pm — No Comments

The Best Websites For K-12 Writing Instruction/Reinforcement

I thought people might be interested in my latest "Best of..." list -- The Best Websites For K-12 Writing Instruction/Reinforcement.

Added by Larry Ferlazzo on January 12, 2008 at 5:56am — No Comments

Technology in education-How far are we?

Cross posted on

Its a tech world now. We are all trapped in this heavily wired world (now getting wireless). At homes, at workplaces, be it anywhere, its technology all the way. In education, its essentially the computer when we talk of technology in education. Information is just a click away, so why not make the most of it? In the classrooms, instruction for all subjects integrating the computer still needs to be put together by the… Continue

Added by Varnika Kapoor on January 12, 2008 at 2:30am — No Comments

Who Should Control Information?

I've written about the fear of the internet

before. I consider this fear to be a real barrier in schools even

though so many enlightened educators are using technology in effective

and inspiring ways (ie..Classroom2.0!). Angela brings up a great point. To wit: "We can’t control the information. Suddenly, there are too many options.


Added by Andrew on January 11, 2008 at 6:16pm — 1 Comment

Not bad for PD during my holidays!

I've been on summer vacation now for 3 weeks and have had some wonderful learning happening in this time. Ever since I attended a workshop on blogs and wikis mid last year, I have been fascinated by the power of Web 2.0. Attending NavCon 2k7 in September fuelled my curiosity even more when I listened to a presentation on all things Web 2.0.

Now I have to say that the networks on Classroom 2.0 and Twitter have been major players in introducing me to a world of Web 2.0 apps. Where do I… Continue

Added by Helen Otway on January 11, 2008 at 6:05pm — No Comments

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