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Classroom 2.0 for Us, Summer of 2008, Limited Run! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more
Yup, friends, it's a happening thing: The wonderful workshop I piloted last summer for one week is going on the road. I only have the last 4 weeks in July, but I'm hoping to spend it working with small…

Added by Scott Merrick on January 11, 2008 at 2:03pm — No Comments

Spring08: My first video experiment

Well, a new year is a time for new experiments, right? So yesterday I played with iMovie and made my first video! I have to confess: it was TOTALLY FUN. This is not actually for one of my online classes, but is instead part of my "other" online life, promoting Latin and Greek language study online... although I had so much fun with this video that I think I might invent some videos to share with my online classes too! Anyway, I've embedded the video below, and if you'd like to read an English… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 11, 2008 at 1:21pm — 2 Comments

Connecting the dots

I know many people have added a clustrmap to their blogs or webpage. I did shortly after reactivating my epals account to find classrooms around the world to begin correspondence in Spanish. I had no idea what effect it would have on my very hard to impress 8th graders. Since it is on my…


Added by Linda on January 10, 2008 at 7:35pm — No Comments

Spring08: not having an office

Perhaps I should have entitled this post, the JOYS of not having an office. There is a lot to say on this happy subject, but what prompted me to write about it was that I received an email from a student this morning - a typical email, I will probably get 2 or 3 more such emails in the first week of class - and the email goes like this (I quote): "Hello. I am a bit confused on how to do

the blog. I have read over the instructions and looked at…

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 10, 2008 at 7:50am — 2 Comments

Spring08: websites I can't live without

It's still a bit slow in the week before classes "officially" begin, but some students are already racing ahead into the second and third week assignments, defining the project they want to do for class (for two classes, actually: Mythology and Folklore, and World Literature). As usual, I am very dependent for the success of these projects on the existence of two amazing websites, which I thought I would post about here:

Sacred Texts… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 9, 2008 at 9:14pm — 3 Comments

I love my admin

There is a battle in the tech world and the battle lines are clearly drawn. The two side at war are Safari users and right-clickers. That's right. Windows vs. Mac happens every day and my school district is no different. We are strictly a no Mac district. However, the battle is about to get interesting.

Today, my administrators gave me the green light to get a quote for two Macbooks. It is just two right now, but I bet we will see more in the next budget. I hope so anyway.



Added by David James on January 9, 2008 at 8:06pm — 4 Comments

A Thought About The Kindle E-Book Reader

I have previously posted about

my belief that the Kindle has potential to be widely adopted in schools

and by teachers. Here are two reasons why this may have some traction:
  • Literacy rates are down and there are mandates (NCLB, for example) to raise literacy rates in schools across the country.

  • The Kindle looks and feels like a toy (or video game; or…

Added by Andrew on January 9, 2008 at 1:07pm — No Comments

Why Educators Should Read Seth Godin

Why should a teacher or any other educational leader read Seth Godin? There are two compelling reasons as far as I’m concerned:

1- He talks (writes) common sense.

2- He insists on evidence as a driving force for decision making and change.

Nearly every blog post he writes and every paragraph in his books contains these two elements. Why should common sense and evidence be important to…


Added by Andrew on January 9, 2008 at 1:04pm — No Comments

Peer Editing 2.0

Last year, I put together a little project that I called the Wiki Mentoring Project. In a nutshell, middle school students wrote a story on their wikis and high school students offered feedback and critiques. All of it was done online. All who were involved loved it.

Today, I started putting the pieces together to relaunch the project with a larger group of students. The project itself will not launch for another week or two, but I will…


Added by David James on January 8, 2008 at 10:35pm — No Comments

OPUG meeting

Had a great meeting with the other Omaha Catholic technology teachers. I learned about a few new things and it was great to dialogue with the other teachers.

Added by Mike on January 8, 2008 at 9:03pm — No Comments

Spring08: Study Tips for the semester

It was a slow day today (the semester does not officially start until next week, so the only students I am interacting with right now are the ones who are getting a head start). I did spend some time working on my Study Tips widget for this semester - it's HUGELY expanded over last year, and I am really happy with it.

Basically this is a widget that I use in the Desire2Learn Homepage space - every time the homepage loads, a study tip appears at random (created with the… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 8, 2008 at 3:42pm — 2 Comments

Third Edition of the Active Learning Blog Carnival

The latest edition of the Active Learning Blog Carnival is up at This months Big Question is "What motivates students to be actively involved in learning?". Please take a minute to comment sent links to this months carnival.

Added by Deirdre Bonnycastle on January 7, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Spring08: Alas, plagiarism

Well, here it is, the first real day of classes for me this semester, and I am already dealing with a case of plagiarism. It is, alas, a really egregious case of plagiarism - instead of a student lazily paraphrasing (not cutting and pasting, but still scarily close to the original), this student simply cut-and-pasted from the Internet and turned in the work as his own, word for word.

Ironically... the source that he plagiarized from was me! Ha! I guess the universe does have a sense of… Continue

Added by Laura Gibbs on January 7, 2008 at 1:55pm — 2 Comments

It is time to use what I've got

Here it is January and I have hardly done anything that I have learned this school year. The fire went out or I lost touch with what is possible. I need to start using a network that already exists. Classroom 2.0 is filled with teacher that I need to learn from. Everything that I am looking for is right under my nose if I will just use it. I just wish that Ning was not blocked on my campus. I guess I will make lemonade out that lemon later on.

Added by David James on January 6, 2008 at 9:32pm — No Comments

Delicious Dysfunctional Tagging

By Alix E. Peshette

Cross-posted from EdTech Gold Rush

Anyone new to tagging bookmarks with Delicious seems to go through a predictable phase – dysfunctional tagging. Once I discovered Delicious and the concept of tagging, I must confess I went overboard. It wasn’t until a colleague kindly pointed out that my tags were out of…


Added by Alix E. Peshette on January 6, 2008 at 4:55pm — No Comments

Why Integrate Video Production in the Classroom

Excerpted from Video in the

1. Student engagement. Too many students in urban cities are dropping out. Engaging students early and providing positive experiences with school can help to hook these students before they leave.

2. Student achievement. Every classroom has a few students who are below grade level. Traditional teaching is not working for these students.…


Added by Mathew Needleman on January 6, 2008 at 11:02am — 3 Comments

NanoScience in Highschool education

Dear Friends!

My name is Andras Paszternak, I am the editor of the NanoScience Network (Independent Hungarian Virtual Network of NanoScience) on Ning. I plane to make in our virtual community one group about the NanoScience education at Highschools. If you have interest, please visit our network…


Added by Andras Paszternak on January 5, 2008 at 7:07am — No Comments

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