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Latest and Greatest: Digital Courses, Learning Objects and Repositories

Thanks for your suggestions!

This new section includes links to collections of "stuff" that can be used to build and enhance engaging online experiences for student learning. I know there are more out there, please keep your recommendations coming in and thanks again!

Added by Ellen on December 20, 2007 at 2:44pm — No Comments

"You can't go back now, can you?"

Long Inverted Hallway by me on flickr

It's the old allegory of the cave.

Last Friday I was leaving the school and I popped into my VP's office. Among other things, Anthony and I often talk about technology in the classroom. One thing led to another and I showed him the YouTube video that was the subject of my last post:…

Added by David Truss on December 20, 2007 at 12:53pm — No Comments

How Do You Market Yourself?

Every time you teach, you are marketing your character. You are marketing your character, your efficiency, your trustworthiness and your resourcefulness. You are marketing to gain the trust of your customers (students). How?

By giving constructive feedback early and often: You gain trust that you care.

By demonstrating how to solve the same problems asked of students: You gain student confidence in your abilities and respect of your skills.

By creating opportunities for… Continue

Added by Andrew on December 20, 2007 at 9:48am — No Comments

Smarttech meets with Greenbush to discuss Edusim - 3D environments on interactive surfaces

Smarttech made a visit to Greenbush Dec. 19th to observe the Edusim

project - and discuss the possibility of bringing it (or something very

similar - possibly a Qwaq forums service) into the Smarttech suite of

products. The Edusim work is helping not just students, and teachers

envision the potential of 3D virtual environments as learning tools,

but the hardware makers also are imagining what a classroom might be

like with robust Edusim like lessons on surfaces and… Continue

Added by Rich White on December 20, 2007 at 6:55am — No Comments

Edusim leads others to try Croquet/Virtual worlds on surfaces (kinda)

Edusim leads others to try Croquet worlds on surfaces (kinda)

Our plans for haptics in Croquet have not gone un-noticed either ! …


Added by Rich White on December 18, 2007 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Latest and Greatest: Homeboy

What started out as a software tool for his son who has autism, Homeboy has become a cool tool for many children to develop, write and read stories. This program uses three-dimensional characters (wizard, parrot, genie and robot) in combination with Microsoft's text-to-speech application.

When my child clicks on the start-up icon, he sees his favorite character and hears "Hello ______________. Would you like to play?"…


Added by Ellen on December 18, 2007 at 11:45am — No Comments

Phew! That was close

I thought that I'd never again see this blog. I screwed up my profile by carelessly adding a Google gadget into my Wall. Kudos to the tech support - they were on the case and had me sorted out in two days. I hadn't expected that because my experience with Facebook support is that they never respond. I had asked them two routine questions eight months ago; change the name on my profile and create a network. It never happened!

Anyway, I had been bedevilled with technical problems for…


Added by James Durkan on December 18, 2007 at 4:34am — No Comments

6th graders colonizing Mars

Added by Rich White on December 17, 2007 at 7:24pm — No Comments

A Day in the Life of . . .

On October 17, 2006, thousands of people in Britain contributed diary entries to what the BBC called “Britain’s biggest blog.”

Sponsored by the National Trust, it was an effort to capture a snapshot of ordinary life in the British Isles at the beginning of the 21st Century.

Historian Dan Snow said about the project, “What we want this to be is a detailed account of people’s normal lives when…


Added by Ron Gwiazda on December 17, 2007 at 6:26pm — No Comments

Blogging with my students!

So, I finally jumped through all of the right hoops to get permission slips out to my students for our "Blog Experiment". On Friday, I set up my first group of kidds. Within 24 hours, three of them were having a grand old time playing with the template and --ta-da!-- writing. Today, I received three more permission slips. This is fun. I just hope that I can justify all of this fun with improved writing skills as well.

Added by Donna Hebert on December 17, 2007 at 5:40pm — 1 Comment

Step Away From the Board

It's clear that for some time now many classroom teachers have still not moved into the interactive age of learning. Many teachers are anxious to embrace new technology based on the latest trend, and not necessarily technology that will help to improve student achievement. Before I begin here I want to stress that a good teacher is a good teacher even if all they have is a paper and pencil. But take those good teachers and train them in the integration of technology and their… Continue

Added by Arlene Anderson on December 17, 2007 at 3:36pm — 2 Comments

Bridging The Digital Divide

Hello All,

I run a School of Information Technologies here in Nigeria, Africa.

Here in Africa, Digital Education and its awareness is still very low and slow.

The right classroom facilities are not there for training. The advanced countries of the world are not showing enough sign to want to collaborate with us to bridge the Digital Divide.

Africa needs collaborative work to attempt to close this gap.

Colleagues, lets work together.

Samuel… Continue

Added by Samuel on December 17, 2007 at 5:13am — No Comments

AARGH - or the lappy hard drive dies

So over the weekend, my laptop hard drive crashed big time. I have had district technology working on it today. Perhaps the thing that I find most helpful is how the district technology people put me on the front burner. It really made me appreciate these technical people and their skills. Each person who has worked on it so far has been efficient and tried their best to determine the problem and solve it. So far, no luck with a solution. I am using a "loaner" laptop and was able to get… Continue

Added by Glen Westbroek on December 16, 2007 at 1:12pm — 1 Comment

Welcome Back Folks(onomy)

I love some of the tech terms, tags and phrases. While creating a new(ish) word for practical purpose, an older, less contemporary word is brought out of mothballs just in time to be revived by original definition. For example, I recall the TV network Nickelodeon which came to being several decades ago. In general, it runs children’s programming. Being in education, children are amazed that Thomas Edison invented the nickelodeon, and that it was a… Continue

Added by Paul Hardt on December 16, 2007 at 12:05pm — No Comments

Top Ten December Posts From My Blog

I’m putting out my picks for this month’s Top Ten posts early this month. I thought it might be helpful before everyone leaves for Winter Break.

Here they are, in no particular order:

Excellent Web 2.0 Guides…


Added by Larry Ferlazzo on December 16, 2007 at 11:13am — No Comments

ultranet coach

hi im writing to let you know i starting a new position as an ultranet coach in 2008. the department are looking at supporting schools in victoria implement and use ICT learning to build teacher capacity in and across schools in our area. ulranet is a learning management sys which will be implemented in every vic gov school by 2010. my role will be to prepare schools for this new and exciting future direction. my question is....... has anyone had experience with using an unlranet type system…


Added by Simon on December 16, 2007 at 2:01am — No Comments

The Savvy Teacher's Digital Toolbox: Bookmarking with Delicious

By Alix E. Peshette

Cross-posted from EdTech Gold Rush

Many educators spend a lot of time following up on…

Added by Alix E. Peshette on December 15, 2007 at 4:10pm — 1 Comment

Latest and Greatest: Artsonia

Artsonia seems to have mastered showcasing student's masterpieces.

Create art. Take photo. Upload. Exhibit to the world. The site is available for FREE as it relies on revenue generate from art enthusiasts when they can't resist t-shirts, mugs, cards and other chotchkas by young Rembrandts.

Added by Ellen on December 15, 2007 at 2:24pm — No Comments

Teacher Toolbar: Latest and Greatest

This is a little bit of an experiment...the goal is to have a place where I can blog about the latest and greatest additions to the Teacher Toolbar.

The most recent latest and greatest sites, links, resources and more will be featured in this space. Of course they will become a part of the Teacher Toolbar as well.

Don't have the Teacher Toolbar yet?

Get it here:…


Added by Ellen on December 15, 2007 at 2:11pm — No Comments

How can i make fraction reading and writing simple?

Fraction as part of life

One deals with fraction on day to day basis, whether it is one’s percentage contribution to the target at the workplace or the psychological pricing of $99.99 at some retail stores. Percentage and decimals are fractions. Fraction occupies a…


Added by kHUSHBOO on December 14, 2007 at 10:52pm — No Comments

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