I gave two technology presentations yesterday on "cool tools" and "teacher created podcasting" using wiki's as the platform. It worked well and the plan was to share them with everyone when completed. I have opened them to the public and invite you to share your additions to them as well!

I also thought it would be a good idea to share our favorite or personal resource wiki links! Do you have a resource wiki that you have created or like to use? What is the topic? Let's share our links!

My wiki can be found at www.masterymaze.com. It has a section on "student resources", "cool tech tools", and "pocasting and screencasting resources". Both presentations are there as well.



Tags: podcasting, presentations, resources., screencasting, tools, wiki

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H Sue
Matt Montagne and I have created this wiki http://parentsaspartners.wikispaces.com/ Ideas on how to connect parents and teachers using web 2.0 tools and anything else we can think of. Add your ideas please
Will do! It looks great. Thanks. Lorna!

Sue P
I love wikis. I use them all the time for course units. I find them easy to use, edit, share projects and encourage collaboration among my students.

I collect samples of VoiceThread projects using a wiki from Wikispaces. The URL is http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/

Career research projects at http://4careers.wikispaces.com/

Exploring Web 2.0 http://missionweb.wikispaces.com/

Online Safety PowerPoint presentations and collected research http://vcms.wikispaces.com/

Sample of a wiki I made to go along with presentation at NCCE conference http://edtechvision.wikispaces.com/NCCE
I love wiki's as well. The presentaion became something that can be used! Your list is great. I love the VoiceThreads..Thanks for sharing!

Just came across this today - thought it might be useful for you.
I've just created a K-5 Computer Lab Activities resource wiki. Please check it out.
I help to coordinate a wiki for folks working with students around the college search.

The wiki is here: http://collegelists.pbwiki.com

Folks who are working as college counselors can get a invite key from me if they'd like.

I also keep a personal wiki, which is kind of a "backstage area" for various projects; that one is over at http://butwait.pbwiki.com, but is less likely to be of interest to a broader audience, I think. Unless you're trying to figure out Twitter, in which case http://butwait.pbwiki.com/Twitter-Newbies-FAQ is just for you!

Shelley Krause
Hi Sue - I am particularly interested on the links and descriptions that you have to other podcasts on your Mastery site. Really useful. I have bookmarked it and will spend some more time on it in the near future. My colleague Nathan Toft and I have just started a blog with wiki for teachers as a resource for creating student podcasts. It is available at http://portablepd.ca Our plan is to have a companion podcast to go along with the site. We have been presenting workshops to teachers in our school board and wanted a place to "put all our stuff" and to see what other "stuff" people would share with us.

Looking forward to reading more on your site,
Thanks! The Maze was created to house my podcasts which are in the Ancient World History and US GHistory Subjects sections. it grew from there. I recently added the wiki to keep the resource links in an easy place where others could add as well. I am hoping to get more teacher collaboration on the site; I hope other teachers are interesting in creating and sharing similar materials. The podcasts have really changed the nature of my teaching! I have almost 40%student users which is cool!

My wiki has my recent presentations as well! It is a great place to share resources! Thanks for sharing yours!

Sue P
info and examples for all the big 2.0 tools.
Thanks Paul!

Sue P
On the Wiki front, I host pages on a variety of Web 2.0 technologies... contributions are welcome

On the topic of Podcasting... my podcast, "Teacher 2.0" is available on iTunes or



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