Time: May 15, 2009 from 11am to 2pm
Location: Online in Elluminate
Event Type: online, conference
Organized By: Tamara Carpenter
Latest Activity: May 15, 2009
Sign up at: http://knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au/
What is it about:
The Innovation Showcase is a face-to-face event that brings together education innovators from all over Victoria, Australia to share their amazing practice. This year six outstanding sessions from the Showcase will be offered online. The event will also connect you up to an active community of innovators in the Showcase Ning and keep you up to date throughout 2009 with Making Connections - a series of online events, facilitated and open conversations, collaboration stories, and networks focused on education innovation.
Friday 15 May 2009 from 11am Australian EST: a choice of sessions offered in three time-slots: 11am, 12pm and 1pm. See Program below.
Making Connections Series - after May 15: After the Showcase we will be offering a series of facilitated online conversations, innovation stories, and collaboration activities, organised in the Showcase Ning.
Online in Elluminate - sign up at: http://knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au/
The full Showcase program including keynote details, presenter biogs, and more is available on the Showcase Ning. The six conference presentations below will be presented online, but all of the Showcase presenters are active in the Ning - go to http://guidetoinnovation.ning.com/ find out what they'll be talking about and start some conversations of your own.
Anne Mirtschin, Hawkesdale P12 College: Flat Classroom Walls - 21st Century education or Silverton Primary School: 21st Century Classrooms
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra: The Ping Online Music Education Project or Wimerra Virtual School: Blended Curriculum Provision for Improved Student Outcomes
Jarrod Robinson, Boort Secondary College: Rethinking Homework or John Doherty, Clete Page and David Roycroft: The Wider Workforce - A Professional Model
How to participate:
Sign up at http://knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au/. Signing up entitles you to attend all of the online sessions. If you have signed up, just go to the knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au on May 15 at about 15 minutes before the start of the first session and click on the advertised session link to join your choice of session. You will need a microphone headset and to be set up to use Elluminate.
All of the online sessions will be recorded and the recording links will be made available on on http://knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au and on Showcase Ning.
All sessions are free but you do need to sign-up.
For more information please contact knowledgebank@edumail.vic.gov.au or innovation@edumail.vic.gov.au or visit knowledgebank.globalteacher.org.au.
If you are representing a commercial entity, please see the specific guidelines on your participation.
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