Steve Hargadon
  • 63, Male
  • Asheville, NC
  • United States
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  • Ayshah Alahmari
  • Gemma Rubio Rodrigo
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Fred Mindlin liked Steve Hargadon's profile
Jun 9, 2022
mpho baloyi liked Steve Hargadon's discussion Introductions
Oct 25, 2021
Meg Scheding replied to Steve Hargadon's discussion Introductions
"hi there! I'm Meg, a product and marketing consultant for Edtech companies. I love the space, and my most impactful project to date was building and launching the NYC Department of Ed's first ever remote learning management system,…"
Oct 6, 2020
Gayle Barbry replied to Steve Hargadon's discussion Introductions
"Hi all! Homeschool mom of 4. Looking to supplement our lessons."
May 14, 2020

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About Me
I am the founder and director of the Learning Revolution Project, the host of the Future of Education interview series, and founder and chair or co-chair of a number of annual worldwide virtual events, including the School Leadership Summit and the Global Education Conference, Library 2.0, the Future of Museums, Gaming in Education, and the Homeschool Conference.

I pioneered the use of live, virtual (and peer-to-peer) education conferences, popularized the idea of education "unconferences," built the first modern social network (Classroom 2.0) for teachers in 2007, and developed the "conditions of learning" exercise for local change. I supported and encouraged the development of thousands of other education networks, particularly for professional development. For the last eight years, I've run a large annual ed-tech unconference, now called Hack Education (previously EduBloggerCon). I blog, speak, and consult on educational technology, and my virtual and physical events build community and connections in education, with 450,000 members and over 100,000 participant log-ins annually.

My newest project is, events around the intentional move toward small-scale, local food, living, community, work, and learning.

I have been the Emerging Technologies Chair for ISTE, a regular co-host of the annual Edublog Awards, the author of "Educational Networking: The Important Role Web 2.0 Will Play in Education," and the recipient of the 2010 Technology in Learning Leadership Award (CUE). I have consulted or served on advisory boards for Blackboard, CoSN, Horizon Project / New Media Consortium (NMC), Instructure, Intel, KnowledgeWorks Foundation, MERLOT, Microsoft, Mightybell, Ning, PBS, Promethean, Speak Up / Project Tomorrow, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. State Department, and others typically focusing on educational technology and social networking. A number of corporations and organizations support my events, and you can see a list and more details of my projects at Web 2.0 Labs.

Personal Information: I was a foreign-exchange student through AFS to Brazil for a year in high school, and organized and led group tours for several years as my first job after college for Stanford's Alumni Association. I spent 2013 traveling around the world talking to people about education. I have the skin condition Vitiligo and created the world's largest social network for those with Vitiligo at as well as the site. I also run a network for members of the extended Hargadon family--Hargadon is an Irish name, and all Hargadons come from Sligo.


I'm excited that you are using Classroom 2.0. I am founder of Classroom 2.0 and hope you make good connections here.

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Comment Wall (235 comments)

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At 3:36am on January 28, 2016, Photographe - Cameraman Samir said…

I'm discovering your website, and thanks for your personal investisment in this platform. :)

(Sorry for my language, I'm learning english language :) )


At 9:44am on August 5, 2015, Erin Reeder said…

My apologies! I'm still trying to figure everything out. I have edited my article and removed company link. I know now not to include it in any posts. Thanks for your help!

At 4:03pm on September 24, 2014, Michelle Vroom said…

Hi Steve -- I removed the links to the eSV blog, but kept examples of teachers exhibiting the suggested tips. Also, there is a link to a secondary reference. Eager to hear your feedback!

At 10:18am on September 22, 2014, Michelle Vroom said…
Understood... And thanks for the reply. Can I remove the links from the blog I submitted? It's the first time out of the gate here for me and want to be sure to comply.
At 11:23pm on June 25, 2013, nishatkashir said…

hi Steve, I am Nishat Kashir and working as a Mathematics curruculum coordinator. While training the teachers the barriers in the successful implementation of ICT in teaching are their incompetencies, lack of moyivation and confidence  in using new technologies. A lot of training and motivation is required.

Would you kindly share the kind of  barriers you see in your institution and how you deal with those issues

At 7:42am on June 14, 2013, AizaUmair said…

Hi, Steve I am from Pakistan. I am an Early years teacher.I need your help in replying to my question on discussion forum. I hope  that you will help me in this regard.

At 7:46pm on February 1, 2013, Kristina Stoney said…

Thanks Steve! That's terrific feedback. Sometimes I'm beginning to wonder. Would appreciate any/all feedback ideas at any time! We have a new 'hidden' unit that we are keen to test to see if it is relevant for teachers today here: - let us know what you think if you have the chance! ;-) I'm going to check out your book club now, looks interesting. Floored by 'Schooling the World' documentary watched yesterday - extraordinary, looking forward to being challenged in my assumptions further. Cheers, K

At 9:26pm on January 22, 2013, Assoc. Prof Dr Vinod Kr Kanvaria said…

Hi Steve,

When is 'Classroom 2.0: The book' going to be published?


At 4:40pm on May 30, 2012, Jon Trainor said…

OK Steve, Thanks!

At 3:56pm on May 14, 2012, Daniel Bassill said…

Steve, you've had great success drawing a crowd to this site since you launched it several years ago.  Have you ever tried to do any network analysis to map what cities/states people come from and what roles (teacher, admin, vendor, community, etc) people have. Such maps of such a large sample could shed some interesting light on which cities/states have greater engagement of teachers in on-line learning than others. If you're already doing that please point it out on the site.



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