Time: June 2, 2011 from 2pm to 3pm
Location: http://epals.webex.com
Website or Map: http://learningspace.epals.com
Phone: 703 885 3400
Event Type: webinar
Organized By: Steve Hodgin
Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2011
How Hauppauge Schools Deployed ePals LearningSpace District-Wide
And why it made a difference.
Thursday June 2 at 2 pm ET (1 pm CT, 11 am PT)
Sign up for a 1-hour webinar on how Hauppauge, New York deployed safe social learning and collaboration platform ePals LearningSpace across an entire school district, and the impact it had on student learning and teacher efficacy at http://epals.ken.sgizmo.com.
Using School-Safe Social Media to Break Out of Curriculum’s "Rusty Cage"
As Assistant Superintendent and Technology Director in Hauppauge (NY) Schools, Ken Graham is a nationally recognized pioneer in implementing innovative, outcomes-oriented educational tools like ePals LearningSpace across entire school districts. A champion for breaking curriculum free from its "rusty cage" constraints of time, place and overly grades-based objectives, Graham advocates for opening up possibilities of connection, collaboration and exploration in the classroom that reveal and develop the unique talents of every student. Join us as Graham shares his personal account of how ePals’ school-safe social media technology empowered Hauppauge classrooms to extend their reach, create their own social learning communities, collaborate safely with teachers and students around the world, and enjoy more great days of authentic, collaborative learning.
ePals LearningSpace delivers a full suite of cloud-based Web 2.0 tools for communication and collaboration with a scalable, safe and secure enterprise-grade platform. To learn more about how ePals can enable 21st century learning in your school or district, register for the free webinar today.
* Thursday June 2 at 2 pm ET (1 pm CT, 11 am PT)
Topic: Case Study of Social Learning Platform
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2011
Time: 2 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (1 pm Central, 12 pm Mountain, 11 am Pacific)
Meeting Number: 734 630 891
Meeting Password: learning
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