Time: October 12, 2010 from 8pm to 9pm
Location: Cofmfort of your home via a telephone confernce bridgeline
Website or Map: http://www.BipolarUnitedWorld…
Phone: See description for number
Event Type: information, /, awarness
Organized By: Marcy Rubin
Latest Activity: Oct 10, 2010
2010 marks the 20th anniversary of congress establishing the first week in October as Mental Health Awareness week. Advocates worldwide have joined together to campaign this years theme "Changing Attitudes Changing Lives." With so many people speaking up I wonder how come I haven't seen any public representation of the campaign? Don't get me wrong NAMI, DBSA and many other groups, organizations and advocates host all kinds of awareness events but if you are not already involved in the mental health community how would you know?
Lets face it most illnesses raise awareness through education, facts and asking for donations to "find a cure." With bipolar and mental health we're still trying to conquer the stigma with a basic message, "don't be scared our symptoms can be managed." With all the images in the movies, on television and relayed in the news are we breaking the negative perception and enlisting people to rally towards acceptance?
Which brings me to question, Do awareness campaigns really change the perception of Mental Illness? On Tuesday October 12th at 8:00pm (EST) join me for this months hour of sharing opinions, thoughts, ideas, experiences and concerns.
Date: Tuesday October 12, 2010
Time: 8:00 pm (EST) 7:00 pm (CST) 5:00 pm (PT)
Call Duration: 1 Hour Cost: Free (with the exception of your local phone charges)
Phone: 712- 432- 0075
Access PIN Code: 941044 # Dial the number, listen for the prompt to enter the Access PIN Code it's that simple to join the call
If you are representing a commercial entity, please see the specific guidelines on your participation.
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