Time: September 6, 2010 to September 10, 2010
Location: South Australia
Street: Camp Coorong, Meningie
City/Town: Meningie, South Australia
Phone: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Meningie+South+Australia&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=25.20756,54.755859&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Meningie+SA,+Australia&z=10
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Jelina Haines
Latest Activity: Dec 6, 2009
This program aims to offer International (students) and Australian participants a global perspective of cross - cultural understanding. Visual language presentation is intertwined with culture and tradition. A concept that caring for country is everybody's responsibility and plays a key role in restoring the land and cultural understanding. Indigenous people view the land as fundamental to the well-being, identity and their culture. Indigenous people believe that the land is not just soil, rocks or minerals but a whole environment that sustains and is sustained by people and their culture. Better understanding of information continuity and working side by side with science and Indigenous Knowledge means that we can move forward to a better future and meet the needs of our future generations.This workshop is significantly beneficial to students by establishing cross- cultural study exchange and uniting students worldwide through hands on training. We can assure you that your stay with us will be a memorable one.
Workshop program fee: $595.00 - includes courtesy transfers (International and Australian interstate participant will be pick up and drop off back to Adelaide Airport) , Dormitory accommodation, food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), entries to all programs, course notes and welcome packs.
When: 06 -10 September 2010
Venue: Camp Coorong, Meningie, South Australia, Australia
If you are representing a commercial entity, please see the specific guidelines on your participation.
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