Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello, My name is Juliet Knight and I am currently a SLPA student in the Los Angeles area.  Thanks for letting me look around.  This is pretty amazing!  Social Media is a very real resource for today's teacher. I enjoyed reading how teachers are considering blogging as a means of keeping their kids writing during the holiday breaks.  Great idea!  I would have loved this as a kid.    


Hi Everyone,

I'm Roxanne Clement and I'm a Teacher Librarian at an elementary K-5 (next year K-6) public school in Alameda California. I've been teaching for what seems like forever, am I'm so excited about 21st century learning, technology infused learning, iPads, netbooks, and 1:1 learning, books and libraries, and especially the changing learning environments for today's kids!

I'm finishing up a masters in Library Science and Technology and hope to share how I am working to transform websites and learning activities into two-way interactive and collaborative learning environments available 24/7, anywhere anytime!

Hi Group,

My name is William. I am an educator, principal, and author. Visit for FREE videos and ebooks. 


Hello all,

I am Rade. I come from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am a teacher of English language and literature (Bachelor's degree). I have been teaching English for five years and I still feel so fresh about teaching, so I want to learn more and to gain more knowledge. I also completed the course "Building Teaching Skill Through the Interactive Web" at the University of Oregon, as a scholarship holder of the American Embassy in the programme of distant learning. I also do the translations from my mother tongue (Serbian language) to English and vice verse. I am very enthusiastic about expending my knowledge and learning from the professionals.

I am glad to be part of this and in the same time a little bit confused about this as this is the first time for me to participate in something like this.

Best regards



My name is Michael Milton, I am a high school English and World History teacher at Burlington High School in MA (USA). I'm a relatively new teacher - this is my first full year although I was a long term substitute teacher for a year and a half. Prior to teaching, I was managed teams of AmeriCorps Members (I also provided training to them). I'm excited to join this group!

hi :)))  my name is nata   i live and work in tbilisi georgia. i am teaching a group of PET and FCE students at the language center which is in the city center. i am teaching a group of adult learners in GWP - gerogian water and power. i can say that  i use new methodologies and am oriented to using mostly online resources such as wordia , blogs,, BBC learenglish and some others for effective and meaningful learning.

Apart from that, my activities were printed in the book for YLs  in Aston University and i usually take exams for upgrading my knowledge. the last one was with ELI   - European languages institute in tbilisi   i covered the  first part and received 97 out of 100. i have been participating in various projects launched by brtitish council, EU delegation in Tbilisi and World Vision country office. Among them are cultural diversity and interactive lessons in non- classroom setting. i passed TKT test and received three certificates from Cambridge ( band 3 in each). Attended teacher training for overseas teachers in Cambridge and have been teaching at IBSU - Internationsal Black Sea University.

Hi everybody,

Am lisa, working as a customer care manager at lumos information services. We are focusing on developing learning platforms for students to succeed in the new technological age. Our mission is to provide students, teachers and parents with high quality content and collaborative learning platforms by leveraging innovations in digital and print media.We at lumos, with help of expert teachers, have created programs in eLearning, Print and Video formats. Our programs help student in flexible learning. We offer high quality study materials that adhere to the new CCSS. Our elearning programs are interactive and kid-friendly. The programs are available year round and also are affordable!

Parents please visit us at

Teachers and Library personnel please visit us at

This feels important.  I suppose time will tell. 

My name is Ernie Delgado.  I have been in K-12 technology planning for over 20 years and I have helped thousands of teachers and 10's of thousands of students to understand and use technology to teach and learn better.  Our message is simple;

"Technology planning will save your school and properly trained teachers will save the country." 

Listen to our message.  I look forward to sharing ideas, collaborating on meaningful projects and providing while getting inspiration form the leaders in this field, education.  I am humbled to be among you and I embrace this forum to share, learn, collaborate and enlighten.

Hi Steve

I am a Tel leader and lecturer in the Travel and Tourism faculty of an HE college in Cape Town.  I have always enjoyed technology and exploring how it can be used in the class room.  There have been failures, and successes that have taught me a lot in terms of how to use technology to create blended learning.

Look forward to the summit, and send greetings from Cape Town, South Africa.

Sonja Sharp

I am a special education teacher from Dallas, TX who has been involved with Discovery Education Network for many years. I am on the TX Leadership Council and I am a finalist as a GURU. My passion is interactive whiteboards, iPads and apple computers. You will find lots of information and links on my website:

Hello all! My name is Charmaine, and I'm the Community Advocate at, a fully online school management system. I joined the team recently with the goal of connecting with cool + wise educators like you guys. Not here to sell our product at all; instead, I'm here to learn! You see, I'm also a senior at the University of Oregon studying journalism and considering a career in libraries, so I'm most passionate about education technology and digital media storytelling. Lastly, I'm a social media addict, so find me on @QuickSchools or my personal account @noodlemaine. Looking forward to connecting with everyone!

Greetings everyone. My name is Aira Abdrahim and I'm from Malaysia. I currently resides in Raleigh, North Carolina, completing my Doctoral program at NC State University. Happy to join the group and get connected with all educators out there.



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