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I am K-12 English teacher in Türkiye. I try to integrate web 2.0 applications in my classes. It is so exiciting to be here and take part in webinars.. I hope It will be effective for accomplishing studies.Looking forward to learning and sharing technology.



Hi! I'm a language teacher and a language school owner of 2  somewhere in Greece! Please to meet you all here! I'm also a Cambridge DELTA Holder, I 've obtained the Diploma from S.Michael's College in Vermont, U.S.A. and I 'm an MAPDLE (Masters in Professional Language Development ) student....I'm here to be inspired by all teachers from around the world and to be informed of the latest advancements in language teaching that will help me with my Masters studies... Oh, any links for CLIL and Learner Autonomy?

Thanks once more for the welcome!

Hey All!  I'm Pete from Chicago, though I live in LA now.  I'm an EFL teacher and I've taught in Asia, Latin America, and North America.  I'm a big fan of using technology in the classroom and getting students to create content for the class.

Hello all!

My name is Michelle Murphy from Michigan. I work with software for classroom management that includes the ability to manage and monitor student screens, create and administer custom tests, sync up other classroom technology such as an interactive whiteboard, screen annotation, and more. 

Glad to be here also, and I look forward to learn even more about the wonderful and exciting educational world!

Hi, I'm Elizabeth Dill, B.S.Ed. currently a MLIS graduate student graduating in April. I am interested in incorporating social media in library instruction. I'm excited to find you!

Hello i am seo@Pluginlotto Team. We have developed lots of elgg plugins, And now we are moving to GUN LICENSE version 2 for all what we have developed so far.yet we did not release anything to the public. but soon we will release around 15+ plugins to the elgg community.

Hello there, Micah Gilbert, that's me. I am currently a full-time student at Johnson University in Knoxville, TN. I am enthusiastic about continuing my pursued career path in teaching at the Elementary Education grade level. I am originally from Pennsylvania, born and raised in the north, but southerner at heart.

Hi, I'm Scott.  I'm working my first full time teaching position now, but I have a varied past.  I've spent years as a Computer Technician, an Actor, a Campus Policeman, a Fisherman, you name it!

I love technology and I'm super glad to see a community like this one that I can be part of.

Carole Urbano, Cambridge, MA looking to connect with middle grades math teachers also working on some educational games initiatives.

I teach weekly computer classes in 4 small elementary schools in Wyoming.  Originally from Indianapolis.

My name is Scott Gardner. I am a teacher librarian at Beaverton PS in Beaverton, Ontario, Canada. with the introduction of the new Ontario school library document, The Learning Commons, our board has rocketed into the 21st century. I am hoping to lasso the rocket and get dragged along behind.

Hello! My name is Flérida, I´m teaching 3rd grade both turns, in a public elementary school in Tijuana, Baja California. We´re going to have an Spelling contest in June. In August I´m going to finish my Bachelor degree in Educational Technology. Then I´m goingo to move in León, Gto. Love that city a lot.



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