Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi, Veronica!


I'm Vivienne from Greece, an EFL language school owner. I've just browsed away your student site! -astounding work! -it really is! Please visit our school blog on  htpp://

and let us know what you think. Perhaps, our schools might be connected in some way???

Hi! Vivienne

I've just visited your blog.  Very interesting indeed!  It will be good for our schools to get connected with each other.  You can write to me personally at  Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Hi, Veronica!

Thanks Veronica. Yes, I'll get in touch with you, shortly.

Hi Paraskevi,

I have gone through your school blog as well. Unluckily I understnd only english and french but still, urs seem great. It give me ideas for my blog.

can u in brief tell me how you did it, using what tools. actually doing such a blog for me is like eliminating a mountain!

thanks a lot

Fee Min.

Hi Veronica,

I have also been to ur website. Is great. I tried to register as well but there is a bug I think.

Can you tell me with which tool you developed this?

I hope to be able to build one like this soon.

Fee Min.

salve, mi chiamo lorenza cairo, sono di latina, vicino roma, italia. sono insegnante di ICT e sono molto interessata alle nuove tecnologie didattiche e risorse che offre la rete. sono interessata a scambiare idee e materiali con colleghi di tutto il mondo, ciao

Hi All

This is Avinaash Diraviyam from India. i am at present working on e-learning and instructional design. I wish to learn from this community.



Kathy Gaines from Rochester, MN.  I am a second grade teacher and love finding new ways to improve my classes.

Me also. I hope to achieve this aim together, with all of us.

Good luck and happy collaboration

Fee Min.

Hello everyone!!

I am a tenth grade English teacher in Rochester, NY.  I came across Classroom 2.0 while researching webpages for a class I am taking at Nazareth College.  I was extremely pleased to see that there is a place for teachers to network and share.  I look forward to learning more about the site and seeing what it has to offer.

Hello beautiful people of Classroom 2.0. I am Marianita from Texas. I am a mother of three beautiful girls, currently working in Higher Education in collaboration with k-12 school districts. I am a instructional designer, support, and coach.  I love what I do and would like to expand my knowledge, and skills. I want to be able to provide my faculty, staff and students with the tools that they can use to best benefit their learning environment, experience and job.

really interesting your work. me also I have similar aims.

Fee Min



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