Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hey guys! 

My name is Jenna and I have recently began a Master's program for Academic Behavioral Skills in Special Education!  I am pretty new to the education world, with only 2 years experience as a paraprofessional, and I could use all of the help I can get!  If any of you have any tips for me or good websites that you found to be most helpful, I would really appreciate it.  Beginning my program, I find myself confused and intimidated by all of the new terms and concepts that I am not used to.  I am learning so much, but I have so much to learn.  I would love to hear from you all.  Thank you!

Hello Everyone

I am in the Masters of Special Education program at Bethel University.  I have worked as an educational assistant for 6+ years and love every minute of it.  I originally went for Healthcare Management but realized that my true passion is for kids with disabilities.  I have great mentors that I work with each and everyday but am still looking for any additional information or resources anyone would like to share with me in this area!

Jessica Ikegboma

Hello Everyone.
 I am Nadeem a student of Dental Hygiene. This program has been first time introduce in our country. I belong to the mountainous area of Northern Areas of Pakistan. I have join this platform to increase my knowledge and learn from you all.

Hi! I'm Dieter. Happy to become part of community :)

I am a reading specialist/intervention teacher in NC. I have a master's in reading as well as my National Boards in Reading. For the last 15 years as a middle school intervention teacher I have had a full schedule of my own classes but this year my principal wants to change that up a bit. So I am coming to this group in search of some help/ideas.

This year I will have two periods where I can push into classes. I'm going to do that with science and social studies classes. I have identified the neediest classes that coincide with my schedule. However, logistics are an issue that I'm searching for some help with. My principal wants me to be pro-active rather than re-active. In other words I'll pre-teach vocabulary and the concept that will be coming up to the struggling students so they will have at least a little background knowledge to hold onto and begin building their new knowledge. But how do I do that without them losing what is still going on in their class? These are teachers that are not used to having anyone co-teach with them nor take kids out to help them. How do I manage working with 6 science teachers and 6 social studies teachers with no time to meet and plan other than before or after school?  I have an idea but am not crazy about it. I'm wondering if there is anyone who has done or is doing something like this? Or does anyone have any creative ideas? 

Thank you!!

Elizabeth Harper Allen

Cary, NC

Hi, I am Zindy Wilfong, I am a middle school, Spanish teacher in North Carolina and I am currently attending graduate school to obtain a Masters in Instructional Technology from Appalachian State University. I am excited to be part of Classroom 2.0 and I look forward to collaborating and learning with you all.

Hello from Waterboro Maine USA.  I am a world history and current events teacher at a rural regional school.  My main focus is to find ways to leverage technology to help students to gain a global perspective.

I am a current first grade teacher in Florida. I'm in my second semester of grad school studying Educational Technology. I'd like to incorporate technology more into the classroom as well as introduce Title I students to many areas of technology.

Hi I am interested in networking with other teachers, who have knowledge of Web 2.0. I am a seventh grade Language Arts teacher, in West Virginia. I want to use more technology in my classroom and create some blogs, webpages ect for my tutoring/and portfolio reviews that I offer to homeschoolers. There is so much out there I don't know where to start. I have one webquest that I created on,

I am Leesa Johnson. I am connected with an online education website ' Select My Tutor' as a marketing manager. It is a motive to provide quality services to students from our expert tutors. I am a reader of books which inspirational for me. 

Hi, I am Robby. I am a Catholic school principal. St. Joseph is located in Martinsburg, WV. 

Hi, everyone!

My name is Luke Kirtley.  I am a senior at Wilmington University.  While this is a class requirement, I am excited to see what is happening in this online community.



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