You may be teaching younger students or preparing high schoolers for the SAT. One thing’s for sure: Regardless of whom you are teaching vocabulary building is an essential part of every teacher's job! And if we do it right, we can help students foster an appreciation for the importance of lifelong vocabulary development. These five vocabulary building apps are a wonderful way to bring technology, engaged learning, and just plain fun into you classroom on a regular basis.

Honorificabil—huh?: 5 Vocabulary-Building Apps

vocabulary building appsProfessorWord
 This is a great tool for students of any age and stage of language development. Download ProfessorWord on your classroom computer(s); run it whenever you bring up a website on the classroom projector and voila! Any time you run across a vocabulary word students don't understand, simply click on the word and view the definition.

vocabulary building apps2Lingro
This program is a fantastic ESL tool for native Spanish speakers or native English speakers learning Spanish. Access the Lingro website, type in the URL you want to visit, and Lingro will make every word on that site "clickable," allowing students access to instant Spanish translations. Students can collaborate, look back at recent words, and more.

vocabulary building apps3Brain Blaze Root Words
Understanding root words is one of the most powerful tools a student can hone to suss out the meanings of unfamiliar words. Brain Blaze Word Roots Flashcards is an interactive app for students to test their root word knowledge solo, in pairs, or in groups. We can see a multitude of classroom game possibilities too.

vocabulary building apps4Word Root of the Day
While we're on the subject of root words, we love this site that would provide a great way to start the day in any English class. Word Root of the Day is one of the most visually attractive, informative, interactive, and interesting platforms to see how roots help "grow" our words. Your students will look forward to each day's new root.

vocabulary building apps5.pngMindSnacks SAT Vocab
This app wasn't called one of the Best Learning Apps of 2011 for nothin’. Did you ever think the words "Fun" and "SAT Vocabulary building" could go together? We didn't either until we found the SAT Vocab - Mindsnacks app. Your students will get addicted—and this is one technology addiction we can fully support.

Try these new apps out on your students and see what they think. We suspect that your vocabulary building lesson plans will be even more effective when you use engaging tools your students can use both at school and at home.


Download our FREE guide: 50 No-Nonsense, No Fluff Apps for Teachers

Tags: apps, building, classroom, educators, for, technology, vocabulary

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