Hey there everyone! I am the instructional technology specialist at a 5th/6th grade campus in Houston, Texas. We are looking for other 5th/6th grade classes that we can collaborate with through video conferencing, wikis, or blogs on all content areas. If you are interested in planning a project then please let me know!!!

Tags: blogs, collaboration, conferences, partners, video, wiki

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I am a fifth grade teacher. My sixth grade teaching partner and I would be interested. Let us know what you have in mind.
Have you checked out EPALS.com? You can colloborate allover the world.
ePals has some great projects that you might want to use as starting points for collaborative efforts, and they are free, just like the global community, forums, and email are. See the projects: http://www.epals.com/projects/info.aspx?DivID=index
A lot of teachers in Latin America are part of ePals via Eduteka, which is based in Colombia and offers projects in Spanish. You also can get automatic language translation into 35 languages in the ePals forums and in ePals email. So you might easily be able to get teachers in Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and others who share some cultural aspects with students in Houston, or be very global and go to classrooms in China, Japan, Korea, Egypt, Russia, and others who are very different. Your students can participate in the student forums for some fascinating out of school discussions, too. (Be aware that the school year is NOT Sept.-June everywhere in the world!)
I have many 5th grade technology classes and would love to plan a project (s).

With so many classes Kg-5th grades, I am always looking for collaboration partners.

I am the technology specialist for a k-5 school and this year will have six-seven 5th grade classes. Included will be one all-boy class and one all-girl class.

Last year classes that we videoconferenced with were very curious about our set-up. My students have also learned how to create and upload work to wiki pages, and this year I hope to incorporate student blogs. I set up accounts in Blogmeister, but have not used it with my students yet. Hopefully this will be the 'year of the blog':)

We are in South Carolina and I will have 5th grade students aprox 8-8:50 AM Eastern Standard Time. That may make it difficult for a videoconference with you unless I am able to have an after-school club.
Hope we can work out something.
Great!!! I would love to come up with a project. I am excited and hope we can work something out. Let me know if you have ideas. I have about 15 5th grade classes in my building so we can work that cover all content and items. We could no an online book club, reading response, etc. I would love to work more with you on this.
WOW that is great. I am sure that we can come up with some ideas. Maybe we can all be reading the same novel and do like an online book club through a wiki. Just my first thought - lets chat more and we can figure out what will work.
Time would work for New England!
I am a classroom teacher of a year 5/6 class in Sydney Australia and we would love to link up with your class. Obviously video conferencing might be difficult given the time differences but we could certainly blog - let us know.
Hi Lisa,
I am a technology resource specialist/teacher in Virginia (USA) and have some dynamo teachers: one is a 3rd grade Science and one is a 4th grade reading/Virginia History (basically American history) teacher. If you have any on your staff interested in collaborating, I think they'd JUMP at the chance!


We've just had two weeks vacation but we go back to school tomorrow - I'll ask and see if anyone is interested if not at my school some of my friends at other schools in Sydney might be interested. I'll let you know.


Thanks, Lisa! The two are pumped and are excited. They can tie this in with studying continents, writing, books, science data--who knows? :-)
WOW this would be super exciting for the students. What subjects do you teach? I am sure that we can come up with something that we can do together. I will talk to some of my teachers to see who is interested and get back to you with ideas.



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