I am looking for blogs teachers keep to reflect on lessons they have taught. Most of the blogs I read are more "big picture" blogs. I would like to find some that have teachers discussing what they did in class and what they learned from it.

Tags: blog, blogs, refection, teacher

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I'm not sure if I'm big picture or small but I try and keep my blog more practical and less theoretical. http://www.creatinglifelonglearners.com is my blog
and my favorite blog that isn't mine it Teaching in the Inner City at cityteacher.wordpress.com
Thanks for the links. I appreciate both practical and theoretical, I just have a harder time finding practical.
check out my sites:


that site has helped me Video Blog as well as blog to parents, other staff members, and students. Let me know what you think!
Neat site, I really liked your Halloween stories, but it seems to crash Firefox every time I go there.
I do reflection, and policy, and the rest: http://mizmercer.edublogs.org

You can look at relfection and weekinlab in my category links to focus in on that topic on my blog.
Thanks for the link, I appreciate your help.
I've recently started blogging via Ning about my teaching of an ESL class in Melbourne, Australia. We're working on a number of multimedia projects - involving camcorders and ning. It's an exciting, challenging time especially given that many of the students have had little experience with ICT.
Hi Greg
Im considering setting up a Ning for my ESL class and using the blogging tool - how is this going for you? any tips/advice!
I've been successfully using wikis & digital storytelling with my students and am looking for something different - ning looks quiet good
any info would be greatly appreciated!
It's not all reflection, but I do go over lessons I've taught and lessons learned in the classroom at http://googtweetblog.edublogs.org - also 2.0 tools, networking, and education in general. I'm really new, thoughs!



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