I am looking for blogs teachers keep to reflect on lessons they have taught. Most of the blogs I read are more "big picture" blogs. I would like to find some that have teachers discussing what they did in class and what they learned from it.
that site has helped me Video Blog as well as blog to parents, other staff members, and students. Let me know what you think!
I've recently started blogging via Ning about my teaching of an ESL class in Melbourne, Australia. We're working on a number of multimedia projects - involving camcorders and ning. It's an exciting, challenging time especially given that many of the students have had little experience with ICT.
Permalink Reply by Dee on March 29, 2009 at 9:36pm
Hi Greg
Im considering setting up a Ning for my ESL class and using the blogging tool - how is this going for you? any tips/advice!
I've been successfully using wikis & digital storytelling with my students and am looking for something different - ning looks quiet good
any info would be greatly appreciated!
It's not all reflection, but I do go over lessons I've taught and lessons learned in the classroom at http://googtweetblog.edublogs.org - also 2.0 tools, networking, and education in general. I'm really new, thoughs!