What is the most important technology tool you have integrated into your curriculum? Why do you use it? How long have you been using it? What has been the feedback you have received from colleagues, administration, parents, and students?

I am trying to become a technology resource for my colleagues and I am picking your brains for some ideas!

Tags: getting-started, tools

Views: 207

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I will be getting a projector and a smart board this fall. I am looking forward to trying them out.

I am a technology integration teacher in a K-6 school. The tools that I find most useful are the computer and LCD projector, the digital camera, (I have an Olympus Stylus) and an mp3 recorder (I have an Olympus). The software that I use frequently are Kid Pix, Voicethread, the DiscoverE virtual classroom ( http://www.compued.com ) and Scratch. The mp3 recorder has been great for asynchronous communication with some of our remote contacts as we do mini-podcasts to share with them.

Thanks for your reply. Those are all some great ideas. Let's keep in touch as I can pick your brain again. Hopefully I can also pass on ideas to you as I become more tech-savvy.

Amy, I just looked at the Grade 3 voicethread that you did with the students. Very nice work.; a great model to share with the third graders that I work with in the computer lab next fall. I had the students do an end of year voicethread introducing themselves (with a kid pix picture) to their next year's teacher. It was just a one computer class assignment but they enjoyed it. Next fall I hope to integrate more of the third grade content into voicethread.
http://www.compued.com.au/ The correct link to the DiscoverE virtual classroom info is here... I forgot the .au It's from Australia
I would also have to say the LCD projector. In my experience the students always seem to be more interested when we have used the LCD for videos and games in the classroom that apply to any lesson.
Thank you, Ashley. What grade do you teach?
Hi Amy,
I am new to all this technology. We loop so I just finished with grade 2 but I had them for two years. I go back to grade one in the fall. I teach at an elementary / hs and have one lcd projector. Luckily, not all the teachers are into technology. I have a digital camera that I use a lot. Some smart boards were ordered but they are probably for the high school. I used voicethread for the first time this year and loved it. We read lots of folk tales and then did research projects on real animals. We had 8 different project on Real Pigs, Real Bears, etc. For Father's Day we did a voicethread on "24 Ways to be a great Dad". We grew butterflies in May/June and had the opportunity to connect with a classroom in Oregon and did a skype call. That was really cool. I checked out your voicethread, Amy - very cool! Is there a way to save voicethreads as "favorites"?
I'm starting my student teaching in the fall. I will be in a first grade class!
Good luck to you! Let me know if you need ideas/resources because I am working with our 1st grade teacher on and off all summer for a curriculum project. They also have a blog and have Skyped with classes before.

Hi Ashley,
I think you will love grade 1! So much learning goes on.... We need to improve our K program at my school. Our grade ones come to us - many don't know their letters or sounds. Have fun student teaching.
yes, Ashley, that goes for me, too. If you need any ideas let me know. Good Luck!



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