What is the most important technology tool you have integrated into your curriculum? Why do you use it? How long have you been using it? What has been the feedback you have received from colleagues, administration, parents, and students?

I am trying to become a technology resource for my colleagues and I am picking your brains for some ideas!

Tags: getting-started, tools

Views: 207

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One of my most recent favorite tools is Protopage. If you are not familiar with it you can check out mine (http://www.protopage.com/melissafisher). It is very simple to use and a great way to keep students from surfing the internet. You can also see other teachers Protopages under the teacher resources tab on my protopage. There are lots of great ways to use this tool. Hope this is helpful.

That is really cool! I bookmarked your page so I can check it out later when I have more time. What grade do you teach? Also, how do you use this page in the classroom? What I mean is, do they have a scheduled time to use it? Also, is your class 1 to 1 or do you have a set of classroom computers? Thanks for your help.

I teach 4th grade, but like you I've taken a leadership position in my building to help teachers effectively integrate technology into their instruction. I have three computers in my room at all times, but once a day I have access to a cart of laptops. I do a lot with my projector and laptop all day long. I find out July 1st if I will receive a SMARTboard, clickers, projector, and document reader for my classroom through a foundation in Denver that is creating 21st Century Classrooms. If I get it I'll hopefully have lots more to share very soon (I work at a year round school). I'd love to keep in touch this school year to hear about what you and your teachers find most effective in the classroom.

Thank you. I too would like to become more of a resource for the teachers in the Lower School (JK-5). We are a JK-12 school and sometimes the tech staff is not as available as we would like because they are so stretched. I am looking forward to keeping in touch.


I love reading aloud to the students and this tool allows me to share awesome illustrations with the students as a read aloud. As well, no more transparencies! Grab a piece of paper and write away with a pencil even. Doing a science lab and not enough materials? No problem ELMO helps with a demonstration. Lots of neat ways to incorporate ELMO into your classroom.
Thanks for this and I love the picts! What grade do you teach?
I think the most important piece of technology in my classroom would be the projection system. We use it daily. Our Elmo, laptops, dvd/vcr players, and Promethean boards all run through the projection system. We have had this system for about two years. I think it has been a big hit with everyone in the district. It is a piece of technology, so there are some issues that have gone wrong. Overall, it is a wonderful piece of technology in the classroom.
Thank your very much. These are all suggestions I have had so I know they are good ones. I would love to know more about what you teach and where so we can keep in touch.
Last year I taught third grade at a technology academy. We used and integrated smart boards on a daily basis, document cameras, and senteos. All three were use positively in the class, and I found that students enjoy the technology. All three are used at the same time. One way I used all three was for QAR reading comprehesion. I put a short text under the document camera with comprehension questions next to it (I photocopied the texts so that they could fit on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet). I then hooked it up to my smart board through Avervision. The students then read the texts at their desk and then after they figured the correct answer, the student would use their finger to highlight the text on the smart board. This helped a lot with their reading comprension. The smart board is amazing, and can be used in so many ways. With the technology I found that my students were more engaged and motivated.
Thanks for all the help. What are senteos?
Senteos are hand held remotes. Each student has one (like on who wants to be a millionaire) and they punch their answer in. Answers can be t/f, multiple choice, free response, or an exact answer. Senteos work great for assessments to see if the class on a whole understands the content or if something needs to be retaught. They are easy for students to use and especially nice for the teacher!
Thanks for clarifying. I am getting a projector and smart board this year for the first time. I will keep in touch with you if I have questions about implementing them effectively. I'm sure I will need help!



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