What is the most important technology tool you have integrated into your curriculum? Why do you use it? How long have you been using it? What has been the feedback you have received from colleagues, administration, parents, and students?

I am trying to become a technology resource for my colleagues and I am picking your brains for some ideas!

Tags: getting-started, tools

Views: 207

Replies to This Discussion

I have created math and language arts lessons for 3rd grade houghton mifflin and hardcourt. If you use those programs, I can try to email you the lessons I created. Have fun with the software!
We do not use textbooks in the Lower School much at all, but if you think you have ideas that could be adapted - feel free to send them on. My email is akenyon@nscds.org

We have a discussion about this going on now at our Elementary Reading Teachers group page. Click here to view that discussion.

-Michelle TG
G'day Amy
intreresting to read the comments about smartboards etc - we have recently installed hitachi starboards (they all work in such a similar way) & our staff and students love using the boards. there are so many things to use and one class uses it at the start of the day with pictures of all students on display and they come in and mark they are present and leave a greeting for their teacher or classmate - such a great way to start the day.
try a search for digilearn resources and woodlands school in the uk
i would be happy to share our experiences as we have 7 classes using the boards from youngies (5 year olds) through to our seniors (12-13 year olds)
cheers John

Thank you! Yes, I would love to know a bit about your experiences. I teach 3rd grade (8-9 year olds) so that would be the age I would be most interested in knowing about.

On a different subject, do the kids there blog or use Skype? We are doing an elementary school project about food this year. We want to connect with kids in other countries to find out about foods that are grown locally, favorite foods, sustainability efforts, etc. Do you think there would be an ineterest in connecting your school with ours?

Let me know!

Oh, where to start - I could list so many things! If I had to pick one, my Promethean board has really impacted my teaching in the past year and a half. I love the Promethean board for increasing my students' motivation to participate in activities and also as a center tool to use during small group learning - it allows me to see what they are doing from across the room w/o having to leave the seat! Also, the software that comes w/ the board, Activstudio, is great! I have had the students use it as a presentation tool instead of Keynote or PowerPoint because it is quite easy to use and offers a little more interactivity. The students get so excited to share what they create with the rest of the class! Also, I have had them create podcasts out of their presentations. I'm working to find more ways to incorporate the Promethean tools into a student-centered classroom, and would love to find more teachers to collaborate with:)
Computers are at the top of my list, Amy. In my first year of teaching 4th grade at my school, I immediately started bumming computers from everyplace I could imagine. Nearly every teacher in the the building had two, one for themselves and one for Accelerated Reader. Some were using the lab for AR so I bummed their second computer. I found a cart of ten obsolete DreamWriter laptops in a storage room. I put new batteries in them and got them up and running.

By midyear, I had 17 computers in my room. I taught keyboarding in addition to the regular subjects and writing skills began to increase. Collaborative learning projects with other schools around the world got my students truly excited about learning. This past year, each of my students had their own computer. It was truly exciting for everyone involved. We were able to add a Mimeo Board, a sound system for presentations, and several digital cameras.

A lot of stuff is available just by letting people know what you would like to have. Businesses upgrade equipment all the time. I posted a wish list on our classroom website and got mousepads, an excellent copier, a laser printer, shelving, multipurpose paper, highlighters, headphones, copyholders, a video camera, a tripod, a wireless presentation mouse, and more. The total cost to the school was about $900.00 for the Mimeo. Everything else was donated or "loaned" to us indefinitely. There is a lot more to the story, but that is pretty much how I got started.

All the best,
That is very inspiring. We are fortunate enough here to have a sizable budget because I work at a private school. That being said, it is great to make do with what you have instead of just spending recklessly. Keep in touch.
Thanks, Kristi!
Our school has purchased ELMO's (Visual Presenters) that are fantastic! You have to have an LCD to use it but it is a wonderful tool for the classroom. We are able to project things in real life. The students love to share their writing, and the thinking behind their math work.
Thanks for this!

A well developed website is an essential tool for me. I teach 4th grade (former instructional technologist) and the class site is not only for parents but also students. It is a virtual 'home' for the students in my class. It is packed with information, spotlights learning, great teaching tools, and so much more. Good luck.




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